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    Q&A with the Authors of Nicely Said: Writing for the Web with Style and Purpose

    Nicole Fenton and Kate Kiefer Lee, the authors of Nicely Said: Writing for the Web with Style and Purpose, answer our questions on the biggest mistake companies make with web content, how to get your customers to care, and advice for those who seek a career in writing for the web.

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    Peachpit: Why did you write the book? How does your approach differ from other books on writing for the web?

    Nicole Fenton: We wanted to write the book we wished we had 10 years ago.

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    There’s a huge gap between what we learned in school and what it takes to be a web writer in practice. There are plenty of great style guides and books on writing out there, but they don’t talk about the mindset of a web writer and they don’t give you exercises to actually get down into the work.

    So we wanted to do that.

    We also wanted to convey that voice and tone and style are