Luisa igloria transparencies staples
Luisa igloria transparencies staples e.
Luisa igloria transparencies staples
Maps for Migrants and Ghosts
Language as key and map to places, people, and histories lost
For immigrants and migrants, the wounds of colonization, displacement, and exile remain unhealed.
Crossing oceans and generations, from her childhood home in Baguio City, the Philippines, to her immigrant home in Virginia, poet Luisa A. Igloria demonstrates how even our most personal and intimate experiences are linked to the larger collective histories that came before.
In this poetry collection, Igloria brings together personal and family histories, ruminates on the waxing and waning of family fortunes, and reminds us how immigration necessitates and compels transformations.
Simultaneously at home and displaced in two different worlds, the speaker lives in the past and the present, and the return to her origins is fraught with disappointment, familiarity, and alienation.
Language serves as a key and a map to the places and people that have been lost.
This collection folds memories,