Coco chanel 1920 fashions pictures
Coco chanel 1920 fashions
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Coco Chanel - Style Icon of the 1920s
Coco Chanel was an amazing fashion designer and business woman. Chanel's spirit sums up the essence of the 1920s.
-Young Coco Chanel - Circa 1920
The Roaring Twenties were all about becoming "someone" - separating yourself from the old and "making life new". Chanel set the stage for modern fashion by creating a signature style, a brand awareness, and a social buzz around herself like no one had ever done before.
In a world before fashion superstars there was Coco Chanel!
Chanel saw the needs and desires of women and designed her fashion around what women wanted.
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Women wanted freedom from the constraints society & fashion had placed upon them.
Coco chanel 1920 fashions pictures
Women wanted beauty without shackles.
Designing the Modern Woman
Chanel redesigned the young woman's role within society. . . making them more beautiful while, at the same time, separating them f