Coco chanel 1920 fashions pictures

  • Coco chanel 1920 fashions pictures
  • Coco chanel 1920 fashions

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    Coco Chanel - Style Icon of the 1920s

    Coco Chanel was an amazing fashion designer and business woman. Chanel's spirit sums up the essence of the 1920s.

    How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something, but to become someone.

    -Young Coco Chanel - Circa 1920

    The Roaring Twenties were all about becoming "someone" - separating yourself from the old and "making life new". Chanel set the stage for modern fashion by creating a signature style, a brand awareness, and a social buzz around herself like no one had ever done before.

    In a world before fashion superstars there was Coco Chanel!

    Chanel saw the needs and desires of women and designed her fashion around what women wanted.

    . .

    Women wanted freedom from the constraints society & fashion had placed upon them.

    Coco chanel 1920 fashions pictures

  • Coco chanel 1920 fashions pictures
  • Coco chanel 1920 fashions
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  • Coco chanel designs
  • Coco chanel 1920s little black dress
  • Women wanted beauty without shackles.

    Designing the Modern Woman

    Chanel redesigned the young woman's role within society. . . making them more beautiful while, at the same time, separating them f