Questions on shakespeares sonnets themes
Shakespeares sonnets love!
Questions on shakespeares sonnets themes and analysis
An Outline of the Contents of Shakespeare's Sonnets
From Sonnets and A Lover's Complaint. Ed. Raymond M. Alden.Nos. 1-17 are clearly connected in a short series; they are addressed to a young man of beauty and distinction, who is urged by the poet to marry on the ground that he should perpetuate his charms through offspring.
Nos. 18-19 form a pair on the conventional theme of a friend or lover made immortal through the praise of poetry.
Nos. 20-25 seem to be individual compositions, whether addressed to the same or different friends, without significant arrangement.
Questions on shakespeares sonnets themes
No. 20 is addressed to a young man whose beauty is such that the poet playfully regrets that he cannot be loved as a woman. No. 21 is a declaration that the poet will not praise his love in the exaggerated terms of the sonneteers, but with simple truth.
No. 22 is a love-sonnet based on a familiar "conceit" of the period, -- the exchange of hearts; No. 24 on another familiar conceit, the conflict of eye and h