Mohandas k gandhi mf hussain biography
Mohandas k gandhi mf hussain biography wikipedia.
The Rooted Nomad
MF Husain
Maqbool Fida Husain (1915-2011), one of the most iconic contemporary artists of India, continues to demand critical attention to his multi-dimensional practice that embraced various media formats, defied artistic hierarchies and displaced the divide between high and popular art.
The historical extent of India as one of the oldest civilizations in human history and an independent nation-state that gained freedom from colonial subjugation in 1947 , unfolded obsessively in M.F. Husain’s prolific oeuvre.
Mohandas k gandhi mf hussain biography
An expansive post-colonial consciousness informed his practice, which involved adapting indigenous idioms in his expression and breaking free from colonial indoctrination. Seamlessly weaving together mythologies, shared histories, literature and manifestations, Husain articulated his syncretic vision of a modern India through a lexicon of symbolic iconographies anchored in a secular artistic sensibility.
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