Jack lindsay biography
Jack Lindsay: Writer, Romantic, Revolutionary | SpringerLink...
Jack lindsay biography
Jack Lindsay: writer, Romantic, revolutionary
JACK LINDSAY (1900-1990) was a writer and a visionary, a tireless worker for social equality and justice, a polymath and cultural activist, and a deeply introspective man who was constantly searching for the meaning of individual goodness and integrity as well as for what constitutes the best form of social and political organization.
Jack Lindsay earned his living as a writer and publisher and he was prolific, publishing over 160 books in many different genres and on a range of topics.
His scholarship was interdisciplinary: he translated classical texts; wrote poetry and verse plays, play scripts, historical and contemporary novels and biographies, historical studies, literary and art history and criticism, cultural and archeological studies, and analyses of science and religion.
He was one of the founders of Fanfrolico fine art press and edited of a number of literary journals and magazines, including Vision, London Aphrodite, O